Absolutely love this and want to see it become a reality!

A few thoughts that came to mind while reading:

- Doesn't this in some way require abandonment of the app traps and their conveniences? The either/or here may pose more of a threat than attempting to integrate will especially considering non-technical people.

- Big services will not want to make the data their app creates siphonable into this OS. Considering the power dynamics of APIs and data exports, this could pose significant issues.

- Data interoperability plays probably the most important role in all of this, so how will that be handled for creates, updates, etc.? What role do standards and schema play in this?

- A whole new OS means hardware needed to support it, on desktop it's pretty easy to have a nested lite OS running in a native app but for mobile phones, this could be significantly more challenging to make cross-platform and able to "hook" into all of the things people do with their phones every day in as feature-rich of a way as we can now.

I don't mean to come across critical, I think about these questions a lot and struggle with the reality of them. The barriers to digital freedom are strong but I believe they can be overcome.

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Hi Gabriel, and thanks for the kind comments.

At this stage it's about pushing out the boundaries of thought, then in future, working back to the present-day world. So like a research lab proof-of-concept project at first. Establish the concepts, then see how that can be re-integrated.

Especially with our precious data, of course. Big services are the problem of course, and if they have APIs then we're good, else, well... Such APIs and interop is the "backward legacy integration" phase, as the Object Network is inherently interop-friendly in itself.

Yus on the Open Hardware - I'm prototyping on Pi 4s! This isn't going to be easy, of course, but there are many projects of Open Hardware smartphones to get inspiration from.

All your points are quite correct, not critical at all! The important thing at this stage is to manifest the concepts in real hardware and software, then start to bend people's minds to the possibilities. I've no idea how that would happen!

Thanks again, and great to engage with you about this stuff.

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Unlock the data silos! Embrace freedom of interconnection! This is the direction!

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